I'm excited to share with you my first "guest post" ever, written by my husband. =) He was just all of a sudden hit with an inspiration and wanted to share the following on my blog. "I wrote it for you!" he told me. I really love hearing his thoughts on this subject, and I hope you do too! Okay, other people's husbands' turn now...maybe this will start a trend? =)
Today, we do not just have a culture
that is anti-child, but a culture that is post-child, or what I like
to call it, “post-fertility”. More and more people say that they
just don't see the point of having children. So many people don't see
children as a gift, and they don't see fertility as a gift but as
something to control and suppress. Many people seem to have moved
“beyond” fertility – it simply doesn't matter to them. The
so-called child-free life touting its narcissism in Time this August
is a case in point (see “The Childfree Life: When Having It All
Means Not Having Children”). The current stat, according to one
author, is that 20 % of women now opt out of motherhood! What I want
to address here is not how horrible this whole idea is (which it is),
but rather how someone like me, who is struggling with infertility,
should deal with all of these gushing, sickingly happy post-fertility
comments floating in our society. Honestly, some of the greatest
personal suffering comes when I hear people flounce the idea of not
having children as the next big and great thing. No, it is not so
great. Let me count the reasons to you why you are wrong and get
really defensive and angry here about how horrible you and your ideas
are as I turn your little Time article into a paper airplane sent
into a big black hole known as my garbage can.
Okay, no this won't do. What is a
better response then? Well, I turn to the gospel here for some
guidance. This past weekend we were given a beautiful gospel about
one way we can deal with all of these situations. It was the reading
about the pharisee who in righteous judgment denounces the
tax-collector for being a tax-collector and violating the law.
Similarly, I realized that I am being that pharisee when I denounce
someone because they are child-free and I, good Catholic that I am,
and struggling with infertility, stand in righteous judgment, happy
to know that I am being open to life. No, this just won't do. Being
open to life is the morally right thing to do, but I am not better
than the child-free person the moment I start comparing myself to
them. That is ironically their whole problem that I just stepped into
myself! That is, they are comparing themselves to the infamous
The Gospel has a better idea for us –
we need to stop comparing ourselves to others, like the Pharisee. In
the end, I won't be judged by how well I did vis-a-vis my child-free
friend or even my holy friends who are parents, but rather how much I
imitated Christ. So in those moments we want to get upset at our post
fertility, “child-free” world, let's not waste our time
comparing them to ourselves (however valid those comparisons may or
may not be), but instead like the tax collector compare ourselves to
God and then beat our breasts in recognition of how far we fall short
of being like Him. This must be our first response when we become
aware of evil in the world or in ourselves. We must respond to sin by
being more holy ourselves: “Don't be overcome by evil, but rather
overcome evil by doing good” (Romans 12:21). Blessed are we that we
don't just have the ability to compare ourselves to God or rest on
our own capacity to accomplish this, but we can also become one
with God through the mysterious grace of Christ.
But there is a second thing we can do:
embrace this cross of suffering at the hands of our world who just
doesn't get that children are a gift. As St. Teresa of Avila taught:
“Once you embrace a cross, it’s no longer a cross.”
At the moment of embrace, it becomes a joyful affirmation of a love
and a hope beyond all suffering and pain. Again this is straight from
the scriptures. St. Padre Pio commenting upon the scripture's
presentation of the crucifixion says, “We
all have a cross in life. It’s just what we do with it that
matters. Be like the good thief.” It is worth pondering this line
again and again.
Finally, we need to be thankful even
for the suffering. Out of suffering comes life, comes love. Maybe it
is for this reason that Jesus says to St. Faustina in a vision that
“it is not for the success of a work, but for the
suffering that I give reward.” In this, I take great hope. But
what we always have to remember is that it is true that
out of suffering comes life, fertility. We may not want to admit it,
but the great saints were made out of the crucible of suffering.
Christ Himself had to suffer. Perhaps this great horrible suffering
of infertility has somewhere a bow wrapped around it? I'm still
searching for that bow, but in the meantime I will thank God in
advance despite all my feelings otherwise.
So my prayer for you both my dear
fellow infertility companions and my post-fertility
culture is that we look to no one but God and His will and pray with
the hope and trust of a little child to be more like Him through His
grace, embrace the cross of suffering we have been given, and find a
way to be thankful for it. I know this is not easy, I struggle with
it everyday so please pray for us as I pray for all of you,
especially my brothers and sisters who don't see the real gift of
their fertility and of children.
+Ecce Fiat's Hubby+