2.) Be a man unafraid of emotions –
Besides prayer, this task is probably the most difficult thing for us
men to do, which is why I am giving it considerable attention here. I
urge you to go deeper into your wife's emotions, rather than running
away or trying to suppress them. Sharing emotions is a necessary part
of grieving well together. Remember you are in this together and you
are not just two individuals fighting it on his or her own. So be
willing both to share your emotions from time to time and to enter
into your wife's emotions again and again even when you don't feel
like it. Remember this advice from a great Catholic infertility
speaker Kevin Wells, “The saint is one who does the opposite of
how he feels.” Now, he is not suggesting that if we feel like
sharing our emotions or do a good deed, then we don't do it or something ridiculous
like that. No, he is suggesting that in times when you may feel like
it is gut-wrenching hard to do x and you know x is good, then do it anyways.
Listening to your wife's emotions is one of those instances to stress
this motto because as men we want to run far away from feelings, especially sad feelings.
Don't we try to avoid them at all costs? Be honest here! Well we need
to stop doing this escape act and be willing to enter into emotions.
Also, get it out of your head that it
is not okay or not normal for your wife to
be sad so often in regard to infertility. If you think this
(as I have), then it is important to remember that this false belief is an example of us being more out of touch with the grief
because our bodies are less involved in the fertility process. In
reality it is completely natural for our wives to be sad month to
month as infertility is a suffering that is cyclical with
each woman's monthly cycle. So it is a grief that occurs every month and it
should be expected that she gets sad every month. Therefore, given
the frequency of this cyclical suffering, she really needs to be able to
express this cross to you and we should not explain it away as
'unnatural' or scoff at its frequency. It is all part of the cyclical
grieving process of infertility to express her sadness many times on
multiple and varied occasions.
But perhaps as a good Christian you
say, “aren't we supposed to be grateful?” Yes, but there is such
a thing as being both grateful and mourning at the same time. One is not ungrateful
just because they are mourning. In fact, Christ didn't just
instruct us to give thanks to the Father at all times for all good things, but
also to mourn. Remember the beatitude? “Blessed are those who
mourn.” Why are we blessed when we mourn? Because mourning is both
a form of grateful love and an opening oneself up to healing. We will never
get healing without sharing our pain with another and being listened
to and loved in return. It is, therefore, tragic that many wives feel
alone and abandoned by their husbands when it comes to emotions
regarding suffering of any sort. Not only do they feel isolated, but
also their path to healing is stifled by our fear of emotions.
Therefore, do not see your wife's emotions as a burden to be avoided,
but instead as an asset for your relationship. An asset because it is
part of the healing, a healing that you can help bring about by
listening and responding compassionately. Her emotions are your
opportunity for love and for accomplishing that one flesh unity you
so desperately seek in your marriage in order to compensate for the
suffering. It is, thus, a big mistake to run away from emotions and
it creates even more unnecessary suffering.
Still, perhaps after all I have said,
you may remain unconvinced. You may still think her feelings are
“irrational” and “dangerous to the health of your
relationship.” So you believe that your job as a man is to temper
her emotions with some good old stoicism towards feelings. Usually,
this strong conviction to do so comes out of a sincere desire to help
our wives because we feel that they are doing some destructive things
because of these feelings. So we want to fix the problem by getting
rid of the root feelings that have led to the bad behavior. Also, we
tell ourselves that it is a just desire to help our wives by getting
rid of harmful behavior. I get it. I totally understand this
perspective and I am sympathetic to it as I have admittedly thought
this on many occasions too. However, the mistake here is two-fold.
First, we should never stonewall, which is trying to suppress talk
about emotions. This will just create more problems. Second,
stonewalling is often the result of a double failure: a failure to
distinguish between feelings and your wife's reaction to feelings;
and a failure to recognize how important listening and expressive
sharing are to a marriage. Let me explain these two points in more
detail as it was illuminating for me.
First, feelings are just feelings. They
are not wrong or right and as such they need to have an outlet. They
need to be shared with your spouse in a constructive way. If they
aren't, then it will cause some serious explosions in anger,
criticism, and other unhealthy reactions listed below. It
is these reactions to feelings that may very well be wrong and
need to be addressed. So while you should always listen to your
wife's emotions, you don't have to agree with all of her reactions in
regard to these feelings (like excessive anger to the point where
they scream or yell at you, disrespect including calling names or
slamming objects, globalization of negativity that extends to
questioning the relationship, isolating oneself from others or God,
escapisms, criticism, self-pity, despair, blaming God for problems,
entitlement/victim mentality, envy, jealousy, saying intentionally
hurtful comments to others, etc.). These
unhealthy reactions to feelings do need to be discussed and changed
Second, it is crucial to understand
that before a husband gives any wisdom on how “to fix” his wife's
reactions he must first listen to his wife and enter deeply into her
emotions. Why? Because it may just be his own refusal to listen that
has provoked or contributed to these problems. Often the
solution to her problems is just listening because listening
is loving praise.
Listening to her emotions sends the message to her that
“you are worth being listened to.” This in turn builds up her
trust in you and her self-esteem. As her self-esteem and trust
increases, her happiness increases. As her happiness increases, your
happiness increases. As your collective happiness increases, then
these unhealthy reactions will decrease. Eventually you will find
that by just listening well to her she is able to deal with this
cross of infertility in a lot better of a way because you have built
up her love and self-esteem. Do you now see the importance of
listening well? Yes, you can 'fix' the problem, and this 'fix'
chiefly begins and ends with good listening.
Who as men would have thought that the solution was the exact
opposite of what we were doing?! Stunning.
even more motivation, contemplate that Christ in the Gospels was
constantly mentioned as just 'sitting down' with his disciples
without any recorded testimonies of spoken exchanges or dialogues.
Then the Gospel account, after what seems like a dramatic pause where
a reader waits for discussion or words, simply moves on to other
aspects of a particular scene as if it was completely normal to
mention such a mundane fact (cf. John 6:3 or Matthew 9:10). I think
one reason why we don't have written conversations here and only a
mention of Christ 'sitting down' with his disciples was because
Christ simply listened at those times. He, the perfect man,
recognized the importance of simply listening to others, as a form of
loving praise, before giving any subsequent teaching. Therefore,
avoid all of those nasty reactions to feelings and learn how to
listen well like Christ. Be content to just 'sit down.' If you don't
know where to begin because this is so foreign, like it was to me
initially, then I strongly encourage you to follow the Relationship
Enhancement Model of Communication. My wife and I use this model and
I think it has a great balance of accommodating men and women's
differences when it comes to communication. But above all, be a man
unafraid of emotions. Share your own emotions and share in her emotions. By doing so
you will be on the path of healing, happiness, and love.